Useful Information

The world is surrounded by sounds – one only has to listen in order to grasp the unlimited variety of sounds around us. While we can close our eyes, the ear never rests – even at night we are startled out of sleep by the sound of a picture falling off the wall.

On this page we share our sonic experiences, here the difference between a videogame and feature film sound production is brought to the table, here the specificity of sounds in radio drama is highlighted. Why is Foley used in Documentaries? Are there any special challenges in nature films? What is different in reality than in a fictional film. What is sound dramaturgy? Why do sounds have to be made at all – there is original sound after all.

Make yourself comfortable with a cup of tea and browse through the mini documentaries, listen to podcasts and radio features from external production or find out about our work in our own podcast “The Interview” In our foley clips section you can enjoy short film snippets using only our sounds.

Actors of sound - a foley artists dokumentary

Foley artists bring films to life with their imaginative sound effects and adapt their techniques to remain relevant in the digital age of filmmaking

We hope we can show the full documentary “Actors of Sound, The Documentary for Foley” by Lalo Molina one day – until then, we’ll show the trailer.

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