Filmmaker IQ

This animated film about film sound explains, what the different elements of film sound are and where they come from. The focus is on the foley, on the history and the present.

Gary Hecker

Hollywood foley artist Gary Hecker reports from the foley studio

Joo Fürst

Footsteps, kicks, rustling clothes movements – Joo Fürst is a foley artist

Martin Langenbach im Kliemannsland

Hiss Boom Crack – Finn Kliemann visits foley artist Martin Langenbach. Finn and Hauke try to make foley for a selfproduced short film.

Marko Costanzo

Foley artist Marko Costanzo from New Jersey has worked together with his foley mixer George Lara on countless internationally known films. This little documentary is about animal sounds

Mein Beruf… Beitrag in “Dein Spiegel”

Im Magazin für Kinder und junge Leser “Dein Spiegel” ist ein schöner Beitrag erschienen, der den Beruf der Geräuschemacher*innen vorstellt. Mit freundlicher Genehmigung der Redaktion dürfen wir den erschienenen Artikel auch hier veröffentlichen. Text- und Bildnachweise: “Dein Spiegel” Ganzen Artikel lesen

George Hapig

I’m going to die at the desk – foley artist George Hapig can’t stop

Jörg Klinkenberg und die drei ???

The “Mini Docs” series shows small documentaries about our work. This article shows Jörg Klinkenberg preparing for a live screening of “Die drei ???”

Karan Arjun Singh

How foley artist Karan Arjun Singh and his team make the sound of walking elephants…