Max Bauer: “Filmfest”

The “Mini Docs” series shows small documentaries about our work. In this Mini-Doc, Max Bauer is interviewed about the sound of the film festival and introduced as an important player in film sound production.

Pinewood Foleystudio

Inside shows foley artist Pete Burgis in his realm of sounds. Together with co-foley artist Zoe Freed and recording mixers Glen Gathard and Jemma Riley-Tolch, the magic of the film is created.


This beautiful short film about the creation of the sounds for a short film shows the poetry of all our work in images and sounds.

Podcast mit Martin Langenbach

Katjana Gerz gives voice to foley artist Martin Langenbach. He only rarely needs it. In his foley studio, he creates soundtracks for feature films using hundreds of objects and has already worked with the crème de la crème of the international film world. Of course, Katjana also shows him what kind of noises she can […]

Peter Deininger – Lords of sounds

Foley artist Peter Deininger and foley mixer Julian Müller-Scherz have been working together for years – this article gives an insight into their working world.

Sara Monat und Robin Harlan

The foley artists Sara Monat and Robin Harlan, portrayed by gigniks, talk about the emotional and musical aspect of foley and give tips for newcomers to Foley and those who would like to become one.

Formosa Group Foley Team

Foley artists Dawn Lunsford and Alicia Stevenson as well as foley mixer David Jobe from the Formosa Group talk about the inner workings of the foley work for the Transformer films.

MDR Video: Behind the Sound

In einem fesselnden Film sind die passenden Geräusche mindestens genauso wichtig wie Schauspieler und Filmmusik. Häufig werden die Soundschnipsel erst nach dem Dreh hinzugefügt – und entstehen auf wundersame Weise. Zum Video

Job profile of a foley artist: Interview with Max Bauer

My name is Max Bauer, born on November 22nd, 1964 in Munich. I was a drummer and sound engineer and became a freelance foley artist in 1995 after a 3-year assistantship with foley artist Mel Kutbay. Foley artists are mainly active in the post-production of films. Occasionally also on radio. In specially equipped recording studios, […]

John Roesch

John Roesch, retired but still active foley artist, reveals how the sounds of your favorite films are made