Foley Artist

Clemens Endreß

Towards the end of his school days, Clemens Endreß was already creating and recording not only music but also the sounds themselves for his first short films - without even knowing that there was a profession called "Foley Artist"...

In 2004, during his studies in media technology / audio-visual media in Hamburg, his enthusiasm for film scoring and especially for the art of making sounds crystallized. Consequently, in 2008 the path led to Trollhättan in Sweden to a Foley Artist Lucas Nilsson in order learn the craft from scratch.

Back in Hamburg, the Klangmanufakturg was founded in 2009, and since then detailed Foley recordings as well as sound design for international feature films, stage or VR projects are being created.

Phone: +49 (0)176 96 747 139


Selected projects

A House in Jerusalem


Im toten Winkel


Daniel Richter


Daniel Richter




Jedermann und Ich


Guled & Nasra


Bir Nefes Daha


Vor mir der Süden


All My Loving

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