Foley Artist

Martin Langenbach

Martin Langenbach started in 1994 with an internship at a Film mixing sound studio in Hamburg. It was there that he first came into contact with Foley.

In 1996 he moved to Munich to work with Joern Poetzl. Back in Hamburg he started working as a sound designer. For his sound design work, he started focusing more and more on Foley.

Since 2008 he has been working in his own Foley studio in Hamburg Wilhelmsburg, where he created the Foley for more than 500 film projects.

In addition, he offers his expertise in other Foley stages in Germany. Moreover, he has supported small projects of artists, school projects, etc., and he has also worked as a lecturer for film sound at the SAE Hamburg.


© Philipp Reiterer

Selected projects

Gabriele Muenter – In the shadow of Kandinsky






Club Zero


Die Drei ??? – Erbe des Drachen


El sueño de la sultana




Northern Comfort


Roter Himmel


Rule of Two Walls

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